пятница, 5 февраля 2016 г.

Identification and interpretation of events

Identification and interpretation of events

On the stage of consciousness appears to an event dressed in clothing verbal (i.e. name) and having its place in space and time. The acts of naming and assigning spatial coordinates seem to be produced simultaneously, while ensuring their processes are likely to have different nature. and, accordingly, their time scales. A direct analogy with the processes of identification of the object in view here, apparently, is not quite correct, but that it gives an example that spatial localization can in principle precede categorization. However, for our purposes, no need to go into the problem of temporary breeding acts of nomination and localization, and further we will, for lack of a better word, to label them as identification. And we use this word in search of answers to the question What-Where-When. Usually this search is performed on dosnateli levels of processing what is happening is happening, and the consciousness brought to the event already named and localized in space and in time.
Spatial-temporal localization is not exhaustive of the process of “coordinating” the events, even if to mean not only physical space and time, but also “psychological time” and “psychological space” (K. Levin): events have their own socio-psychological Parallels and meridians, and their name — meaning and importance (A. N. Leont’ev). Many events, such as birth, death, marriage, change of job, natural disaster, etc. — not pose any difficulties in their identification. However, other identification is often difficult, and sometimes insoluble task.
The indicator of an event is the emotion (“emotion consciousness”), otherwise is the cause of emotions and there is an event. Not always easy to understand the reason of occurrence of certain emotional States. Sometimes we feel that the situation (“situation”) has changed, but what exactly has changed remains unclear. This creates a feeling of anxiety, forcing to continue to try to identify (to conceptualize, describe, designate) the event.
Interpretation is the search for the causes of the event (i.e., causes the causes of emotions) and possibly effects. If identification is a “delineation of events” that interpretation — the premise of this “loop” in the appropriate context.
Buedem, using terminological differentiation of Jean piaget, to name a mechanism that provides identification as a perceptual structure, and interpretation — a cognitive structure. It gives some terminological convenience: for example, the mechanism of perceptual defense seems natural to attribute to perceptual structures, and the mechanism of rationalization — to cognitive.
In favorable circumstances, identification and interpretation are the phases of situational orientations and precede the formation of the action plan. In adverse — unfolding process of experience and is the delay of action (form settings). And then the mind does not operate in the mode of orientation of action, and in the mode damping, interference and masking of events. If existence comes into consciousness event, the conscious believes it is in Genesis effect. The action is not identical with the event, many of the actions are aimed at preventing the event or mitigating their consequences, while others prepare events, or unfold to them the plan (“come on a wave of events”). However, identification and interpretation of events in any case is essential in the orientation of the action. Most, if not all, is for events and events.
But the consciousness may work not only in the orientation mode event action. An interesting case is the damping of events in the process of its interpretation. Schemas causal attribution are arranged so that most of the sources (causes) of events localize on factors inaccessible to control by the entity that takes responsibility for the latter fact. The use of such schemes dampens the interpretation of events creates the illusion of understanding and eliminates any further reflections. This “hanging on uncontrolled terminals” coupled with the relief event is another phase identification (“perceptual defense”) are the main ways to protect the mind from unwanted emotions.
Different “works” consciousness in the modes of interference and masking. Constructed (invented or provoked), or found events-competitors, preemptive or salamlama events-problems. The displacing event, as a rule, more vivid and at the same time easier to interpret.

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